Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shopping Tantrums

You know those times when you either have no choice but to bring your child with you shopping — or if you're like me, you have days when you have absolutely nothing to do, so for some bizarre reason you think bringing your child with you to the shops is a good idea — and then at some point he just freaks out about something small, like when the shopping bag falls off his shoulder, but then he keeps fiddling around with it so that it keeps falling off, and the whining just grows after each time, and then after the 50th time, you just say, "OH MY GOD, ENOUGH!"and you bite your tongue because the general shopping public doesn't need to know just how large your obscene vocabulary is (and I guess neither does your kid), and your kid is standing in the middle of the store shrieking at the top of his lungs.

Yeah, in hindsight, the the other shoppers probably wouldn't even have heard your cursing over your kid's banshee-like screams.

(Probably the worst run-on sentence of my life, but screw it, it's been a rough day.)

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